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Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
EPISODE 34“You know you still love them, if you can remember every little details about their worst fears”

We all moved to the table to dine I made to sit by Clyde but my dad quickly asked i sit beside him
We ate in silence, just then my mum asked for dessert to be brought i quickly shouted, my husband doesn’t eat that one, he is allergic
Give him the other, just a little or he might grow too fat
I actually made that for him, knowing what he likes and don’t, since my mum doesn’t
It didn’t occur to me what I had said until I realized everyone was quiet
When I finally knew what I did, I kept staring at Clyde who couldn’t wipe that smirk off his face
Just then, my dad stood up
Dad: Young man follow me, I knew I have worsened things
I quickly followed, my mum didn’t want to be left behind
Dad: Have a seat, and now tell me what you did to my daughter
I want to know if you are worthy of her again
Me: Dad I thought we were never going to talk about that
Dad: Barbara, this is not your concern, I made that promise to you
Not him, so allow him and get off from here, you two
Pointing to mum and I Young man talk, am listening or why did you come to my house the other day for
Was it not to confess and ask for forgiveness?
Clyde: Yes sir, I …. I….I … I know I have wronged you and your daughter
Kindly forgive me and I want to properly ask for your daughters hand in marriage, if you will approve, that would make me so very happy
Dad: What? Are you out of your mind? You think I want to see my daughter go through whatever she went through again Never, over my dead body
Now get the hell out of my house and don’t ever come back
I said go, and don’t look back
Clyde: Sir please, am sorry this time
I was in tears for the embarrassment Clyde is going through
Me: Dad, how could you embarrass my guest this way?
He had problems with me, not you i don’t need you fixing my problems for me, i grabbed Clyde’s hands and asked him to follow me
He hesitated a while, i told him if he wants to be lynched then he should be my guest,
He quickly looked at my mum who beckoned him to go, then he runned after me
By this time I was at the door
We left the compound in his car,
He kept driving until he stopped
Me: Why are we stopping?
Clyde: Am sorry Babs,
I just couldn’t tell them what they want to hear, It would sound so stupid, I wanted to but it wasn’t just coming out
Me: Then drive on, get me out of this environment
To be continued 
Love Me Again
By: Loudest Thoughts
“Breaking a promise you know very well you can’t keep is like breaking a woman’s virginity”
Clyde drove straight to his hotel
As we entered, I just quickly lied on the bed while he kept walking in the whole room
Me: Clyde you are disturbing, can you relax for a minute
I want to think, and leave my Dad to me
Clyde: I caused all this, I don’t exactly know what to do You haven’t even forgiven me yet Me: Yes it’s all your fault It’s not that easy, I keep playing the drama in my head.
Clyde: What drama are you talking about? Me: How you found the courage to sleep with all those girls I don’t have a problem with you sleeping with them Infact I knew you can, you are capable Once a Casanova, always a Casanova, But my problem is you promised you wouldn’t I trusted you, I took your word for it because I loved you too much not to believe you You read me those nice vows and you broke them What happened to the part where you said you would die After sleeping with any w---e again I guess you are still alive, congratulations He then moved closer to me, and knelt by the bed holding my hands Clyde: Love am sorry, I didn’t exactly sleep with them, Those girls, yes it’s true I met a number of them several times But with several of the girls at first, I couldn’t get it off, So I just resorted to them entertaining me I just lie down and watch them dance, these girls are good dancers That’s how it has been with them, I didn’t touch them I swear I couldn’t just bring myself to break my promise to you, Even though I was so sure at that time you were cheating Some just listen to me talk about my problems, that’s how it started at first.
Me: What do you mean by you can’t get it off, And you are so proud of yourself telling me, they only entertain or listen to your problems Why was I married to you then, to just grace your bed?
Clyde: I mean I wasn’t attracted to them like I was to you
I know I failed in the communication bit but please can we forget this
We have a situation on our hands, i want to be with you once again
Please give me a chance, he tried to kiss me, which he succeeded after several attempts
It was refreshing, i like this new Clyde just then he made his way beside me on the bed, which he tried to undress me
I covered my face with my palms like a small girl for some minutes, he nearly succeeded, but I quickly held his hand
Me: Please am not ready
Clyde: No problem, I understand I can wait as long as you want me to
Me: Thank you, can you take the couch?
Clyde: Alright, Going to bed already
Are you sure you don’t want to tell your dad, you are okay?
Me: No, let him cool off, Goodnight
The next morning, we got prepared i needed to go home,
Clyde drove me home On the way he asked what came over me during dinner that i called him “my husband”
I just told him nothing, that he should mind his own d--n business I wondered myself how that happened,
I guess i was just used to his likes and dislikes
We finally got to my gate, he dropped me, gave me a peck and watched me enter, before he left
To be continued


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