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Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Whoever said love is for the strongest lied, everyone is capable of loving”
Later in the evening, I was with my family watching the late news and my phone kept ringing which I refused to pick up until my dad spoke up, is it that stalker again?
I realize you don’t want to pick up that call over an hour ago
If he/she is still calling, they might be in trouble why don’t you pick up
I picked up and told him to call me in the next 1 hour, by then we might all be in our various rooms
Exactly an hour, I took my bath, gave myself a real good massage and put on my best lingerie as if Clyde was coming over, then his call came in, there and then I realized I was fantasizing over him Clyde: Hi love, how was your day
Me: fine, what do you want Clyde. Can’t you leave me alone? Haven’t you done enough harm to my heart? Why are you tempting me this way? Was it a crime to Love you this much Clyde: You still love me?
Me: No? What a stupid question to ask, I thought to myself
Clyde: Please grant me just one meet up Me: Okay, tomorrow lunch time, Boyce restaurant Clyde: Thank you I quickly hang up before he could say something else I had trouble sleeping throughout the whole night, I can’t wait to meet him, I went to work in my best attire, my best make up and heel, I was so happy modeling on my office corridor beaming with smiles which I haven’t done since I came back from Nigeria. I remember I used to be so fun until I left London and came back, I kept watching the time until lunch time and I drove off to Boyce restaurant. When I got there I saw Clyde waving from one corner, He is looking awesome today sine the last time I checked, I got there and he pulled a chair for me like he always does back then We were all looking weirdly at each other in silent until he broke it.
Clyde: I don’t know where to start from, but first of all Thank you so much for meeting me I want to officially apologize to you for my behavior in Nigeria Since then life without you has been painful, especially after I learnt the truth Me: And what exactly was the truth,
Clyde: Common don’t make this hard already, I had my own share of embarrassment from your friends already, and do you know what I had to go through just looking for you?
Me: and how is that my problem or my concern. You wanted the music that way so you must as well dance to the tune.
You still haven’t told me the truth here you know.
Clyde: Okay fine, I expected that response from you anyway, I know you didn’t cheat on me, and you love me enough to do that to me Am sorry I doubted you Love.
Me: who is your Love Clyde? You think it’s that easy to call me all sort of names and still sit here listening to you trying to push your way back in my heart
You think am that kind of lady who wants to get broken two times.
Clyde: Babs I understand you, I know you don’t want me right now You are still hurt, am not expecting you to take me back either, but I do hope you would consider it
I was stupid, I knew what I was doing will hurt you,
But I did it anyway because I thought I was giving you a piece of what you deserve for cheating not knowing i was harming my own self
Me: Clyde you broke me completely, I had you what do I need in a man again i just needed you to give me the benefit of the doubt Was I not good enough in bed, what else do you want, tell me
Clyde: You were perfect, forget whatever I said I was bitter and finding ways of getting you out of my life
Me: And how do you expect me to do that, you seem to have everything figured out, tell me how to forgive you, now I saw myself tearing up whiles Clyde made to touch my hands
The thought of those hands touching those ladies,
I pulled out and told him to the face I don’t want any virus, I have had enough
Me:Clyde get those hands off me, before you can touch me, get all the test in the world done i don’t want to contract anything, after sleeping with all those girls
I stood up to leave when he held me again
Clyde:I didn’t sleep with those girls, and please don’t leave yet
Me: So you were camping them or they were rather sleeping with you, i am leaving and don’t try to stop me
He didn’t and I left quietly to my office i became so sad on reaching home and everyone was wondering what was wrong with me
Two days and I haven’t gone to work nor left my room
My parents tried but I just want an alone time
The next day I was home and I got 3 hospital reports addressed in my name My mum handed me the reports and was wondering when and why I went to 3 different hospitals
I was confused too, until I opened and realized Clyde took the tests i asked him to
He is clean, no STD’s but he is down on blood
I quickly called him
Clyde: am guessing you got your report, what now Babs
Me: Nothing Clyde, whatever you wish to achieve in sending this down to my house,
Well it didn’t work, by the way you need some blood
Have a good day
I hanged up, he called severally which I didn’t pick up
To be continued
Love Me Again
By: Loudest Thoughts
“When a man takes the bold step its worth whatever comes out of it”
The next day was Saturday, I just woke up and struggling out of bed
When I heard my dad yelling and my mum telling him to take it easy i quickly rushed down in my morning coat,
Just to meet Clyde on his knees and my mum preventing my dad to flare up again
I took another look at him on the floor and then my dad I rushed towards my dad
Dad: Hold it there, young woman
How long have you been seeing this woman beater?
Answer me, is he the reason for your weird attitude lately
You don’t eat, you don’t come out of your room neither do you go to work
Girl I won’t tolerate this again
Listen to me carefully, go pack up your things, am sending you off to your aunts end
And you get the hell out of my house
Clyde: Sir am sorry, Babs I just want to make things right I could hear my dad still yelling
Me: Clyde you better go now, and don’t come back
At least this time he listened to me and left Everyone went their separate ways
After 30minutes, I went to my dad’s room and met my mum still calming him down
Me: We need to talk
Dad: What about, the fact that you kept seeing that woman beater after all he did to you
And had the guts to let him in to my house?
Me: Dad I hope you haven’t forgotten this is my house too
And I have the right to bring in whoever I want to
And how do you know what he did to me or didn’t do to me
Besides I didn’t even know Clyde would go that extent to step his foots in this house
Yes I know he came down to London,
yes I met him some few times
Yes he is the reason for my weird attitudes
But I never said anything about Clyde beating me up, and confirming it was the reason we divorced
But Dad don’t you think am old enough to be wherever I want to
For Christ’s sake am 28years i have lots of years ahead of me, to meet a lot of men, if I want to
To have fun, build a family if I ever will
Can’t you just support me, like you always do when I achieve something?
You even go an extra mile for me when i fail
How is this one different, How is my failed marriage not your priority
That you have to embarrass your fellow man in that manner
You can’t send me off to my aunt’s place like some kid unless you want me to rebel and leave again
This time around i might leave forever
I was walking away when my mum spoke up and told him i was right
I waited to hear what he will say but he just stood up and went into their washroom
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Sweet words soften the heart, no matter how tough it may seem”
I went back to my room and realized i missed several calls from an unknown number
I decided to call back
Me: Hello, I missed a call from this number Unknown number: This is Clayton Hotel as I mentioned earlier, do you know anyone here, please I might not have heard her mentioning it earlier, I quickly gave him Clyde’s name and asked if she could pass me on she asked to hold on which I did
Clyde: Babs is that you, I hope you are okay
Me: What were you thinking Clyde? What came over you, at least give me a heads up
I hate you for this now
Clyde: Am sorry Babs,I was just thinking of making things right
I didn’t care what your dad would do to me so far as he would forgive me for your sake, am willing to come to your house every now and then besides you were not exactly happy the last time we met
Me: The more reason why, you should have stayed away from my house You better don’t try it again
Clyde: Babs am still in love with you, if that’s the only way to get you back I will
Me: Get ready to loose me forever then
Clyde: Does this mean you forgive me, Babs do you still love me
i think I should come over more often, if two slaps from your dad can make you forgive me then I will want to take that every day, until you take me back
Me: No to your first 2 questions but I hope you are okay, did you get your face looked at
Does it still hurt, if it does get some ice on it?
Clyde: Yes it hurts, it will need your touch, why don’t you come over Me: And where will I tell my dad am off to
i suddenly found myself easing up and smiling at his silly comments Get some ice on it, you should be fine.
By the way what happened to your cell phone, you called on the hotel line
Clyde:I can’t tell, I think i might have dropped it accidentally in your house
It was in my shirt pocket, i think when i got slapped and I fell on my knees it dropped Kindly check for me Me: Really, you did this on purpose so you can come back for it huh
Clyde:Common who would want to come back for that kind of slap?
Me: Meaning you have agreed not to come back here. Thank you And don’t think you are so smart, you think I would bring this phone over,
i will send my driver to you later on
Have a good day gentleman we hanged up, just then daddy came in
Dad: Hi dear, how are you feeling
Me: Am fine dad
He came to sit on the bed with me
Dad: You know your well-being is my top most priority
Sometimes I still think you are my little girl And I will do anything to make you happy and protect you from any one that wants to harm you
As you said earlier, you are old enough, so I won’t send you off to your aunt’s but don’t try threatening me of leaving forever, you don’t want to kill me right
Me: Dad I love you, and I don’t want to do anything that will kill you
Whiles in Nigeria, there was no day I didn’t think about you guys My husband always say I should give it time that you will come around
So many times he tried calling the house for me but I stopped him Dad he is a good man, but he has some stuff am sure he needs to work through Whatever happened and we divorced,
I don’t want to talk about it either
Can you give him the chance to get to talk to you?
He always wanted to
Dad: Does that mean you have forgiven him and want to go off with him again
Me: Dad i didn’t say that either, what am saying is Clyde has a lot of pride and for him to come in here after telling him you might kill him shows he regrets whatever he has done and wants to apologize
Dad: He hasn’t done anything to me, to apologize for,
He should be apologizing to you, he dare not step foot in this house again Whatever you want to do I won’t stop you, Just tell him i don’t want to see his face ever again in this house
And he dare not try taking you away to a no man’s land
Me: He has apologized, am sure he wronged you when he married me without your blessings He wronged you when he broke Daddy’s little girl’s heart
Give him the chance to make up for it
Please dad, do this for me and i promise not to marry him again
Dad: Are you sure you are going to keep to your promise
Then I will think about it
Come down for lunch, your mum is waiting i went downstairs with my dad, thinking if i just did the right thing
On getting there, my mum found Clyde’s phone and handed it over to me
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Don’t hold yourself back whenever your heart wants something, take the risk”
After lunch I went back to my room and called him up at the hotel, told him my driver was bringing over the phone later that evening
But then at 7pm, i saw myself at the Clayton Hotel
How did I get there,
I drove myself there
I made the receptionist call about my driver,
I was asked to go in,
I gently knocked on the door just for him to open up
With his towel wrapped around his waist and that his masculine body was glaring at me
What a temptation, as soon as he opened the door and saw me, he got shocked at the door
He could not utter a word, at least he tried and the words were not coming out I finally spoke up
Me: Won’t you let me in or I should go
Clyde: Come in, my bad By the way what happened to your driver?
Me: He went home early
Clyde: Kindly sit on the bed
Me: I prefer the couch, thanks and you look confused.
Are you going somewhere?
Well I have no plans of staying for long, i keep stealing glances while he changes in front of me
I could just imagine the bare chest, all over me
I love hairy men, I wouldn’t know what I would have done if he weren’t hairy
I kept fantasizing over his hairy chest until he spoke up
Clyde: Kind of, I wasn’t expecting you that’s all, You can stay as long as you want to
Me: By the way check if this thing still works I handed him the phone
Clyde: Thank you for bringing this, What should I offer you, I have everything
Me: Nothing am fine and should be on my way before my dad starts looking for me Clyde: Did you tell him you were coming here Me: No, am old enough to take my own decisions
Clyde: Does that mean you aren’t going away from here
Me: No, just then his phone rang
Clyde: Can we cancel? Yes I know, I will pay the extra, you just save it
Later then
Me: I can tell whoever it was, wasn’t happy you cancelled,
You can go, I just came to drop the phone, and it’s working perfectly
I should be on my way now
Clyde: Are you sure you want to go?
Me: I stood up headed towards the door when he pulled me towards his face
Held my face up, stared for a few seconds
As if he was looking for some answers
He searched my eyes for another seconds
And he started kissing me for like a minute and pulled away panting
Me: Sorry I have to go, I thought him pulling away means i have to get going
I rushed out of there, as if I just saw a ghost I walked straight to where my car was parked, I heard Clyde calling me but I ignored and drove away I went straight home and to bed, my mind hovering and crowded with what just happened I kept asking myself what just happened repeatedly Clyde didn’t stop calling I had to turn my phone off I managed to get some sleep, not after fantasizing about the kiss one more time, I think I love it, it made me feel something different I drifted off to sleep
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Express your feelings if you have to, it doesn’t kill “
Woke up late since it was a Sunday, several missed calls I decided to call him
Me: hello, ermm I was busy
Clyde: Before you say anything, I would like to say sorry for yester night
Hope I haven’t ruined my chances
Babs I want you, I need you
Please give me another chance
Me:I will think about it, please have a nice day
Clyde: When should I expect an answer from you?
Me: I will let you know I quickly hanged up
Just then Livie called I gave him the latest gist, he wasn’t too happy about it
But I told him I will be fine, besides am sure Clyde has learnt his lesson
We talked for a while, and I got out of bed downstairs
My mum was staring at me, and finally asked I should spill it out
I told her there was nothing to talk about
She then said whatever it is, if I am happy she will support me
I said thank you and asked what he thinks about Clyde
Since before we got married they didn’t get the opportunity to know him that well
She said from afar he seems like a nice guy, but she is yet to have a talk with him
I wondered how she is going to do that without pissing off dad, besides she doesn’t know where Clyde stays
Days turned into weeks, Clyde comes over to my work place to take me for lunch
He comes over to my house but had to wait outside for me Sometimes we just sit outside in his car and have long chats Or take walks in my area, I just could not stop admiring him each and everyday
One working day, he came for me for our usual lunch I was quiet busy so he just sat there in front of me, while I finished up Just then my dad came in, their eyes met and I was kind of nervous
Clyde: Hello sir, Good afternoon
Dad: I can see you are busy here my daughter, was going for lunch, Wanted to find out if you will tag along but let’s meet at home
Me: Dad sorry another time. I have plans already
Dad: Young man, Saturday 7pm, my house
Don’t be late, I believe you can find your way
Clyde: Yes sir
When he left, Clyde asked me what just happened I have no idea either,
I was just staring at you guys
Clyde then decided to cancel our lunch date so I can go with my dad
I watched him go away sadly, I then went ahead with dad’s offer Lunch it was at ‘’spicy’’ his favorite spot I can’t just wait for Saturday 7pm
Clyde was so happy about it, I on the other hand was nervous considering I know my dad so well Clyde and I seemed to be doing a lot of talking these days,
And since the last kiss he hasn’t tried any move again
I was beginning to get worried I mean it’s not like he doesn’t want it too I just want to explode anytime am around him
These are the old feelings I wish never resurfaced again I am beginning to like him gradually again
The hatred I think I can bear, but this torture of not being in his arms is killing me already Saturday came and Clyde was early as a bird
He came an hour before time
I was going to take my bath when my brothers prompted me my prince charming is here
The way they said it was funny I quickly put on a short and a tank top, I rushed downstairs
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“That feeling that wants to make you explode, that one that makes you young at once, don’t lock it in”
He indeed was looking like a prince charming With his cute pink shirt and blue trousers, simple and I noticed he got a hair cut
He sure knows how to pick them, I rushed down the stairs like a small girl
I was going to embrace him, am not sure what was going on through my mind until I heard my dad’s husky voice, Clyde was then looking in my direction
Dad: Hey young lady, careful you don’t fall Shouldn’t you be in something proper?
Me: Dad, this is proper, besides am in the house It’s not like you are taking me out for proms
Dad: Okay fine, suit yourself go help your mum then As if my dad was trying to prevent me from meeting Clyde
I nearly said something, but Clyde shove me an eye I wonder what that meant
Dad: Young man, are you always this early or you are trying to impress someone
Clyde: Sir good evening, my watch deceived me Dad: You need to get a new watch then, or you might be late to the white house
I hid behind the blinds and once I saw my Dad going back upstairs i came towards Clyde The atmosphere became weird
Me: Hey, did your watch really deceive you or you just outsmarted my Dad
Clyde: How are you,
I hope you are not dressing up this way for dinner
Me: Why are you all worried about my dress
Besides am yet to take my shower so, I might change
Why you don’t like it?
Clyde: Wow! That was straight forward,
Like is an understatement, I love it
We were suddenly looking at each other weirdly
He reached out to hold my hands, which I didn’t object
Just then my mum interrupted us
Mum: emmmmmmm, welcome gentleman
Barbara why is he still standing
Young man have a seat
And where do you think you are doing
Me: Am having a seat too mum
Mum: suit yourself, and why isn’t he served with anything
Clyde: I just got here, besides am fine for now
Mum: Young man, I have been wanting to talk to you for some time now
Am sure Barbara might have told you something What’s your name again?
Clyde: Clyde Obi, Maa
Me: I don’t intend asking you what happened in between you two Because Madam here refused to tell us anything and am sure you won’t either
But I just want to know your intentions this time I love my daughter, if she is happy, I am too she seemed to be much of herself since you arrived unlike when she came home
Clyde: Maa, am really sorry for whatever happened between Babs and I
I acknowledge I hurt the entire Wilson family when I took her away at first just to bring her back broken
I can’t begin to say i can fix it, but I know if given the chance i wouldn’t go that way again
I did a great harm to this beautiful woman here, And I can’t turn back the hands of time Maa, simply put I love your daughter, and I would do anything for her this time
Mum: well, if it were up to me alone, I would say you both are old enough to make your decisions But we have there the man of the house, Barbara is her Gold, He won’t let her go this time, though she is of age
At this point, I was fumbling with my fingers i almost cried out loud, as his words touched my heart i keep stealing glances until, I heard some footsteps from upstairs
I knew it was my dad, I quickly dashed to the kitchen I came out laying the table and everyone was sitting watching some boring cartoon
Both mum, dad and Clyde were quiet, I was wondering what was going on with them
I passed by as if no one noticed, I quickly showered, put on my best outfit and came out
My dad shouted, finally the queen of the house has decided to let us eat
To be continued
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NB:No part of this story should be reproduced

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