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STORY TIME:Love Me Again [Episode 12-18]

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

“In marriage find a friend that’s got your
back always but won’t break your marriage”
Few hours later, my phone rang and it was
my friend Bebe, She promised visiting next
Saturday We hardly meet up due to the
nature of her job but when Clyde and I were
still in good terms,
She comes over,we talk, and we do sleep
Which whenever it’s my turn to sleep over at
her end, Clyde will insist to follow me to her
end claiming “two are now one” His favorite
love chorus which turns me on somehow.
But now what do I get, I thought for a while.
Saturday finally came and Bebe brought with
her a lot of goodies, Clyde was home, they
talked for a while and he excused himself
claiming he has lots of work Bebe obviously
did not buy that, neither did she buy my
story of tripping When I told her about my
leg, the reason why I couldn’t come over to
her place the next day.
She’s always too smart for my liking.
She knows the Clyde she met would never
abandon a visitor of his wife not to talk of
her best friend just to attend to work, he
always say work can wait Even when he had
a million dollar contract to work on then, he
still made time for his friends and family
Bebe:Clyde’s Babs, what’s going on here, I
smell something fishy
Me:Bebe I don’t keep fish in my sitting room,
it could be the odour from your three months
We all laughed over it,
I thought I succeeded in changing her mind
until she started again
Bebe: seriously Babs, am your friend… tell me
what’s going on or I sure will find out
Me: Bebe relax there’s nothing to find out,
we are fine
Bebe: Girlfriend you want to kill yourself but I
won’t let you, I know what’s going on
Me: Please spare me the nosy attitude of
You know that’s the only thing I don’t like
about you right I however know Bebe too
When she feels something is wrong she will
dig deep until she gets an answer. It’s either
i find a nice excuse or she won’t let it slide.
I then told her we had a little argument over
adoption lately, and I have left him to cool
Couples fight, you of all people should
understand, You quarrel with Jake your
husband all the time over silly stuffs, and
how is mine different that I have to be
summoned, I finally asked her
Bebe:Common, what I see here is not a little
Besides I know you guys never had a
problem with adoption Look,let me just tell
you this,I saw your husband somewhere
some time ago at first I thought he came
with you but by the time I realized he drove
away, I saw him again on several occasions
And I made some enquiries he frequent there
often with different ladies. I didn’t want to
cause you any problems here, I came to see
things for myself and it hasn’t been easy
keeping that to myself
Me: Bebe, what are you talking about, now
my heart just dropped into my stomach, I
could barely breathe I took a deep breath and
asked are you insinuating my Clyde is
cheating on me?
Bebe: I didn’t say that, I just told you where
I saw him.
I was never going to tell you this but looking
at things here, I think you need to know but
please don’t confront him Babs, Babs, Babs,
are you ohk? Bebe asked several times
before I woke out of my reverie,
Then I saw my husband walking pass us to
the kitchen I stood up God knows I was
going to beat the hell out of him Bebe held
me down, he went back upstairs,
Now I had no choice than to narrate
everything to my best friend,
We cried together and amidst the tears
I couldn’t help but say continuously I love
you Clyde, why are you treating me this way.
Bebe stayed for the night, she planned on
helping me get my husband back. Somehow
Clyde never came out of his room or has
figured I told Bebe something.
We talked a lot, seeing a pastor was out but
we resorted on a counsellor.
We finally drifted to sleep.

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

“The answer is not ANGER, sometimes you
just need someone to talk to and a shoulder
to cry on”
The next morning, everything seemed weird
As Clyde made out of the house without his
breakfast as usual, Bebe also left later.
I felt lonely, I called Livie, we talked for a
while, and then I thought of my dad.
I dialed his number and he picked on the first
Dad: Hello Wilson here, who am i speaking
with I couldn’t help myself and I started
crying amidst the mention of daddy.
Dad: Barbara is that you, talk to me, what’s
going on I quickly hanged up and laid on my
bed, sleep came unannounced
When I woke up, I missed 11 calls, 9 from my
family and 2 from Bebe
I quickly called her first and she said she’s
on her way to my end so I decided to wait,
While contemplating on whether to call my
family back.
I knew I had to at a point. Bebe came over
and we talked for a while on which counsellor
to see I suggested our friend Mrs Oke, I
decided to call her and book an appointment
since with her, Clyde wouldn’t object
She was free that afternoon so Bebe and I
drove there
Mrs Oke: How are you my friend, you got me
worried after the call. I hope everything is
okay with you
Me: Julia, that’s her first name.
Everything is not okay, I then narrated to her
what has been the issue for close to a year
and a half now
Mrs Oke: Barbara I knew it the moment the
small talks started between you guys when
we visited You guys seemed different from
the Clyde and Barbara we knew, But then we
thought you guys were having a bad day.
So I told Bryan to let it go.
Me:How did you figure that out, were we that
obvious? And why didn’t you say anything
Julia: We are friends, and friends know each
other so well.
But then what do you need from me now.
How do you want to go about it?
Me: I know he respects you a lot, at first I
thought it was just something that will blow
away soon
But now am pretty sure it’s beyond that, and
I can’t stand and watch myself go through
this pain I was enduring it hoping it will be
over soon I just need my husband back, he
seems too far away, but I know he listens to
you May be you can convince him for the
counselling sessions, I really need to know
what my offense was, why he is treating me
this way
Julia: Alright my dear, will talk to my
husband and see if he can be present for the
counselling session Please take it easy, we
will talk him through this
Me:Thank you, we gave each other a hug
And I left with Bebe who was just sitting
staring at us throughout my meeting with
Julia. She dropped me home and drove

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts


“When you tell mama and dada about your
marriage baggage, mama and dada will
always remember when you have forgotten”
As soon as I entered the room, I saw Clyde
with a paper sitting on the couch, I walked
pass him and he yelled.
Hey you, don’t you know how to greet?
I turned and muttered good evening He just
threw the paper i saw him holding earlier to
my face I picked it up, made an attempt to
read but I just couldn’t I dropped to the floor
and started crying He stood up and walked
pass me upstairs, there and then I found the
need to call my dad
Because I am definitely going back home just
that this time with a broken heart
But I dare not tell my Dad that part of my
Me: Hello dad, it’s your baby girl
He complained of calling several times which
I apologized for
I was surprised even though I was at the
verge of losing my marriage to a divorce
Which was just thrown out to my face as if
the past years meant nothing,
I had the courage to stop crying when I
heard my dad’s voice
Dad:Baby, how have you been, how is
marriage, your mum told me you aren’t fine.
Has that man succeeded in destroying you?
Me: Dad, not again, that man is my husband.
Whatever mum has told you is not true. I am
fine, you worry too much for nothing and
thank you for not forgetting me. Dad: and
why is your voice trembling,
Talk to me or I will come down to Nigerian
and whisk you away
Me: Dad I called because, I miss you and
wanted to clear the tension between us and
apologize for not following your orders Dad:
baby I have forgiven you, but promise me if
you ever need any kind of help, Your home
will always be yours. Whatever it is, I
wouldn’t bring my parents into my marriage,
not ever I have already failed the third party
rule but then I trust the people around me
right now. Just then Julia called and said
she heard from her husband about the
divorce papers.
Apparently Bryan has spent a week trying to
talk Clyde out of it but he has refused, So we
should all meet tomorrow

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

“Take a minute when making life time
decisions, ask yourself can I forgive myself
easily when the need arises so you don’t end
up with million regrets”
Early the next day, Bebe came waiting to
take me to Julia’s office. We got there, just
when my husband came in from wherever he
has been spending the night these days
Julia: You are all welcome, so as you are all
aware of situations.
My husband and I will like to know your
If you are for the counseling or you still want
to go ahead with the divorce.
Me: to decide I just wanted to know what
wrong I have done to deserve this kind of
broken marriage
Julia spoke up.
Clyde over to you, answer your wife
Clyde:Julia I don’t have to give an
explanation to this lazy cheat of a wife
Bebe nearly slapped him with those eyes of
hers, surprisingly I was just so calm
Julia: you think your wife cheated on you or
you know she has and still does and please
no insulting of each other, let’s be calm and
find solution to this problem
Clyde:I know she has with that doctor friend
of hers, Livie.
Please I just don’t want to be married to her
Me:You know and you have evidence of
Cut me that crap, between you and me, Who
always meet his partners at the Majestic
Hotel in Lagos, huh!
And you dare call me a cheat.
Livie and I were good friend until you told me
to stop seeing him, Which I did because I
love you
What wouldn’t I do for your happiness? I
love you, and there was no other man as you
Can’t a woman have male friends anymore
when she is married?
I don’t know where that is coming from, but
I always tell you whenever I need to meet
You sometimes tag along, what’s the
problem again’
When did you start distrusting me as the
love of your life? I mean I lost my family
because of you, do I have to lose something
for you again
My good friend, yes; I lost him too for you
What again, Clyde, answer me.
Clyde: you are here lamenting like an angel,
as if you don’t know what am talking about.
It wasn’t once, it wasn’t twice. I saw you
guys together
Me: infact I don’t know what you are talking
about, Just tell me when and what you mean
you saw us together.
Clyde: Am not here to argue with a tramp
like you, besides he has seen whatever he
needs to on the examination table.
Do you have to go offering again?
Me:Bryan, have you made the adjustment to
the papers as I asked last night,
Bryan: Yes I did, but are you sure of what
you want to do?
Clyde: what adjustments is she talking about
Bryan? Talk to me
Bryan: your wife doesn’t want anything from
you as you stated in your divorce paper, She
just wants about two months to get herself
back to San Francisco She doesn’t need
your help, she can sort herself out
Clyde: And you didn’t tell me that because,
well that’s not a problem, so far as she’s
out of my hair in 2months, am fine.
Besides she can afford to transport herself
back, she can run to Livie for help that’s all
she’s good at these days
Me:You think this is about needing someone
or money I already had money before you
met me, so don’t make it seem like,I go
offering myself to men for money
Trust me, you will live to regret this Clyde,
and when you do,it will be too late Because
there will be nothing left to salvage Now
pass me that piece of paper, I grabbed it
from Bryan and signed
Julia and Bryan thank you so much. Will call
I grabbed my handbag and Bebe confused as
to what I just did, as she never spoke a word
in there.

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

“It’s okay to cry sometimes, it gives you the
clarity you need”
I was silence throughout our drive home
which Bebe insisted I stay at her end.
I called Livie later at Bebe’s end, he came
confused as to what i was blubbing about
over the phone
Now it’s Bebe’s turn to speak; I hope the
allegations made against her are not true I
trust my friend wouldn’t do anything like
that, but it’s you I don’t trust
Come down, I said amidst tears
Livie:am surprised all these went on and
madam here never bothered to tell me about
I admit I like Barbara but as a friend, besides
I have a partner of 5years.
5years? Bebe retorted! Wow, so why are you
not married yet, 5years is a long time
Livie: we just understand each other, we are
practically married already, and just the ring
is missing We both hate the idea of putting
on a ring We signed our own vows, hanging
on our wall and that’s it, we are married Or
whatever we call it, we are happy with each
other, and Barby here knows my wife so well.
They met several times over coffee, after I
introduced them.
So I don’t know what your husband is
talking about
Bebe: wow, I like this. Well am glad I don’t
have to worry about you
Livie: My partner will say this is stupid
Me:that’s fine, am sure I will be okay.
Just greet malia for me when you get home
Livie:If you ever need anything don’t hesitate
I left the next day to my house, well that’s
not my house anymore Just for Clyde to
question my whereabouts last night.
Clyde: where do you think you are coming
Me: Does that concern you, or didn’t you
read my terms and condition of living in this
If you haven’t; it says I have no obligation
towards you and am free to go where I want
to and bring home whoever I want to So
clear off my face, or you will see the other
side of me For once, I like the way am
handling a heartbreak,
Maybe because somehow am still stupidly in
love with him.
I woke up late, since it was a Saturday,
walked to the kitchen and met my ex-
husband trying to fry egg which am not sure
he has ever done.
The last time he tried it was a disaster, so I
intentionally stroll around pretending I was
looking for something I couldn’t find. He
keeps looking back to see what I was doing,
then I heard him shout, ‘ouch’
He burnt his hand while trying to hold the
handle of the pan with once again his
disastrous fried egg. He got it burnt again,
I couldn’t help but laugh I quickly fixed my
own egg, and sat beside him at the table. He
gave me a look which I have never seen
Was he starting to regret?
I just gave him the rest of my egg and left to
the kitchen.
He seemed like he wouldn’t take it, so l left
it on the table. I walked pass and he has
eaten it, leaving his burnt one for the dog I
think I smiled to myself and went upstairs
Days passed by, and I realized I had to tell
my parents I would be home in about some
few weeks I was sitting outside by the pool
one Saturday when I saw my ex-husband, in
a polo shirt and his favorite jean trousers.
Those were the same i gave to him as a gift
on several of our shopping journey’s we use
to go on I stared at him for a couple of
minutes, my tears started to flow I told
myself, I was never going to cry again, last
week, but here am I now
I quickly wiped my face with the back of my
hand, am I starting to regret signing that
paper I saw him walking towards his car, he
looked so much handsome in that polo shirt
now, unlike before I always tease him, the
shirt looks on him like he just came out of a
30days fast.
I kept watching him until he drove out, I was
cooking lunch when Livie informed me he
was going to come over with Malia.
I thought that was a bad idea, but then I
remembered I had no obligations towards
Clyde so I can decide to do whatever I want

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

Episode 17
“Whatever you do violence is not the answer”
Infact I was hoping they come whiles he is
still at home, but then they came in a little
early I was inside talking with Malia, while
Livie wanted to pick up his phone from the
car parked outside, Suddenly we heard some
yelling’s outside
Malia and I quickly rushed out, and saw
Clyde holding Livie’s shirt at his neck
Clyde however was trying to beat the hell
out of Livie.
We rushed to their end and Livie gave us a
sign to pause and do nothing
Clyde: What the hell are you doing here in my
Livie: I came to see your ex-wife, since she
has no obligation towards you anymore And
you decided to let a good woman walk away
just because of your stupidity and jealousy I
came to check on her. Do you have a
problem with that?
Clyde: Did you just call me stupid.
Well it’s not your fault, you got what you
always wanted, now you can put on my
I knew all those gynecologist appointments
were just a means of sleeping with my wife
After several yelling’s and insults from one
end to another, I saw myself yelling out so
Livie: Look, man you are making a big
mistake here,
You know a man slept with your wife, when
you catch them red handed or you come face
to face with the other guy. You should be
able to tell right now I don’t have a thing for
your wife, I never did If I did, she would be
running into my arms, just after her divorce
She isn’t that cheap, like the street ones you
pick up
Ooh you think I don’t know, Ruby, Mercy,
Chinaza, should I continue, I have a whole
list, I knew all along,
I could have told your wife but then I wanted
you guys to work your own thing out,
When I found out you guys were having a
The last time I visited was to confirm my
suspicions, after I confronted some of the
ladies after you guys met.
Me:Livie and you never told me anything,
what the hell is wrong with everybody
around me
Malia you knew too?
Malia: Was just trying to do well by my
husband, we agreed, your problems are ours
but then we wouldn’t be part of breaking
your marriage.
We tried reaching out several times to find
out if you guys are okay, but then we
couldn’t really talk about it.
Me: So that was what all these coffee meet
ups, the how are you text messages were all
and am thinking anytime I receive those
messages from you malia, you guys might
have met this cheat of a husband
Malia: It wasn’t an easy topic to decide to
talk about in just a day Me: So this started
when and you two never bothered to talk
about it right?
All this time, Clyde was still face to face with
Livie with his shirt in his grips
Clyde:So you want to tell me you didn’t sleep
with my wife, you liar
And I can see you brought a camouflage of a
You both think you can fool me
Malia or whatever you call yourself
You believe this cheat of a man and this
tramp of a wife here I then shouted stop it
now on top of my voice, when I heard Clyde
call me a tramp He immediately let go of
Malia and Livie tried to reach out to me on
the floor and I slowly told them to leave me
alone and leave my house, as if it was still
I picked up myself from the floor and went
That coward of a husband left the house like
he always does
What he didn’t know is I was waiting
patiently for him this time I have been hurt
too much not to do anything I waited until
1am when I heard his car enter the
compound I quickly opened the door when I
heard him turning the knob
Me: Welcome you cheat, take a seat there
Clyde:What is this? In my own house?
Me: I said take a seat, or I will beat the hell
out of you now
Clyde: And you want what now?
I quickly dragged him to the seat, bringing
the gun behind the door, holding a gun to his
He forgot he brought his father’s hunting
gun to our house when he said he wanted to
take me on a hunting journey.
Clyde quickly sat down,and made several
attempts to talk but with the gestures I
made with the gun he couldn’t
Me: I think I have been quiet enough, this is
my time to ask questions
I need correct answers, or you will see the
other side of me
Me:How long have you been seeing those
girls? He wasn’t responding,
I threatened with the gun again
I said how long have you been cheating on
me with those whores Answer me you
coward, I hit him with the gun on his head
and watched him yell out
I said how long has it been?
Clyde: 6 to 7 months, I think
Me: Wow, you think?
Really. I was about to cry but I realized if I
do I might not achieve anything here yet
I mean i gave you everything, my life, my
body, my heart, Or was it something I wasn’t
doing right?
To the best of my knowledge we had no
issues, with our s-x life,so am asking you
Clyde:Why? Because you cheated on me and
you think you are that good in bed? Common
Babs you and I know you fake it sometimes
Me:Wrong answer, you think I cheated on
you? Or you know
And what makes you think I fake it, Besides
should that be the reason why you should rip
my heart out that way?
Tell me what exactly, when or where,
because I can’t remember a thing. Clyde: I
don’t know what you want to achieve here,
but this is like kidnaping, I can sue you
Me: Go ahead, if you are a man.

To be continued

Love Me Again

By:Loudest Thoughts

“A mother in-law who rebukes their children
for their wrong doing rather than supporting
is a real keeper”
Just then I heard a car pull in the compound
and I saw my mother in law coming out I
then shoved my eyes at him and asked; so
you called your mum here to do what
I am waiting to see what she will do, she
better not try anything funny or else she will
smell pepper I left him there, and saw him
walking towards the door to meet her mum
Still scratching and checking his head out
I was in my room, and his mother came
I welcomed her and she enquired why I
didn’t come down to see her, I told her I was
asleep and had no idea she was around
We talked for a while and I decided to cook
dinner just for the sake of those days
After laying the table,
I told them I was not hungry and then was
going upstairs when she insisted I just sit
with them It was so weird at the table, I just
kept burning inside, How this man destroyed
my life and still had the guts to eat my food.
They finally finished and I packed up the
table and kitchen, just went straight to my
room to sleep Woke up to an annoying knock
on my door, it was my mother in law;
Maa: We need to talk
Me: By this time?
Maa: Yes, besides its just 3am. And I need
an explanation to why Clyde is sleeping on
the couch
And don’t tell me nothing, like he did last
night, I noticed how weird and silent the
whole house is since yesterday I arrived I
know you guys, but your husband told me
Me: Maa with due respect, since your son
told you nothing is going on, I think it should
remain that way
Maa: Come with me downstairs
We walked to the living room and found
Clyde sleeping on the couch His mum woke
him up immediately while he struggled to get
the sleep off his eyes
Clyde: What is it again, I want to sleep Then
he opened his eyes and saw me sitting on
one of the sofas
Clyde: What did you tell my mum?
I hope whatever you told her, you included
the fact that you cheated on me with your
gynecologist and tried to shoot me down this
evening with my father’s gun, if she hadn’t
showed up, only God knows what would
have happened.
His mum shoved me an eye, and surprisingly,
the mother in law, i thought i knew was
somebody else for once I was always under
the impression she supports the son even
when he goes wrong
The only thing she managed to say was
That was it, she stood up and off she went
to her room
Without asking to hear my side of the affair
I can’t tell how I managed through the night,
but I woke up late and Clyde was not home
My best guess was he left for work.
I met my mother in law at the dining table,
chewing on something
Maa: My daughter, you are awake, how was
the night I was shockprised, couldn’t utter a
word for a minute,
When I finally found my voice I managed to
say, yes Maa am fine
She asked to join her at the table which I
did, apparently she was waiting for me but
couldn’t wait anymore so she took the lead.
I contemplated on eating her breakfast, as I
don’t know what is going through her mind,
but if she had wanted to harm me, am not
sure I would be awake now. We ate in
absolute silence, until getting to the end of
packing up the table she asked to see me
when am done.
I finished washing up, took along my copy of
the divorce paper and headed downstairs I
met her already in deep thoughts I decided
to start the conversation as I know what she
wanted to talk about.
Me: Maa before you say anything, I want you
to know,
I would never do anything to hurt your son,
before I could finish my sentence, she cut in
Maa: I know you didn’t cheat on my son my
daughter, I know my son so well
He was a lot of things before he got married,
though I understand he changed for you
Anytime he becomes so insecure and
aggressive with someone cheating on him I
know he is lieing, besides you aren’t the first
one he’s done that to.
The only difference from the earlier one’s are
you guys are married
I know it might resurface again, those traits,
I don’t know how much he told you about
his past when you guys decided to spend
your life’s together
I was thankful he found someone who could
love him despite his past, I know I defend my
son too much sometimes
But yesterday, I looked into his eyes when he
was talking about you, I know my son too
well and when he is lieing,
I know my son too well, when he starts his
things, I can tell if he is lieing or not so
don’t worry, I believe you cannot hurt a fly
She called several times before I came out of
my reverie, simply because I was
To be continued

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