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[STORY TIME] Love Me Again [Episode 18 - 22]

Love Me Again
By:Loudest ThoughtsEPISODE 18
“A mother in-law who rebukes their children for their wrong doing rather than supporting is a real keeper”

Just then I heard a car pull in the compound and I saw my mother in law coming out I then shoved my eyes at him and asked; so you called your mum here to do what
I am waiting to see what she will do, she better not try anything funny or else she will smell pepper I left him there, and saw him walking towards the door to meet her mum
Still scratching and checking his head out
I was in my room, and his mother came knocking
I welcomed her and she enquired why I didn’t come down to see her, I told her I was asleep and had no idea she was around
We talked for a while and I decided to cook dinner just for the sake of those days
After laying the table,
I told them I was not hungry and then was going upstairs when she insisted I just sit with them.
It was so weird at the table, I just kept burning inside, How this man destroyed my life and still had the guts to eat my food. They finally finished and I packed up the table and kitchen, just went straight to my room to sleep.
Woke up to an annoying knock on my door, it was my mother in law;
Maa: We need to talk
Me:By this time?
Maa:Yes, besides its just 3am.
And I need an explanation to why Clyde is sleeping on the couch
And don’t tell me nothing, like he did last night, I noticed how weird and silent the whole house is since yesterday I arrived I know you guys, but your husband told me nothing
Me: Maa with due respect, since your son told you nothing is going on, I think it should remain that way
Maa: Come with me downstairs
We walked to the living room and found Clyde sleeping on the couch.
His mum woke him up immediately while he struggled to get the sleep off his eyes.
Clyde: What is it again, I want to sleep
Then he opened his eyes and saw me sitting on one of the sofas.
Clyde: What did you tell my mum?
I hope whatever you told her, you included the fact that you cheated on me with your gynecologist and tried to shoot me down this evening with my father’s gun, if she hadn’t showed up, only God knows what would have happened.
His mum shoved me an eye, and surprisingly, the mother in law, i thought i knew was somebody else for once.
I was always under the impression she supports the son even when he goes wrong
The only thing she managed to say was OMG.
That was it, she stood up and off she went to her room
Without asking to hear my side of the affair tale. I can’t tell how I managed through the night, but I woke up late and Clyde was not home My best guess was he left for work.
I met my mother in law at the dining table, chewing on something
Maa: My daughter, you are awake, how was the night I was shockprised, couldn’t utter a word for a minute,
When I finally found my voice I managed to say yes Maa am fine
She asked to join her at the table which I did, apparently she was waiting for me but couldn’t wait anymore so she took the lead.
I contemplated on eating her breakfast, as I don’t know what is going through her mind, but if she had wanted to harm me, am not sure I would be awake now. We ate in absolute silence, until getting to the end of packing up the table she asked to see me when am done.
I finished washing up, took along my copy of the divorce paper and headed downstairs I met her already in deep thoughts I decided to start the conversation as I know what she wanted to talk about.
Me: Maa before you say anything, I want you to know, I would never do anything to hurt your son, before I could finish my sentence, she cut in
Maa: I know you didn’t cheat on my son my daughter, I know my son so well
He was a lot of things before he got married, though I understand he changed for you, anytime he becomes so insecure and aggressive with someone cheating on him, i know he is lieing, besides you aren’t the first one he’s done that to
The only difference from the earlier one’s are you guys are married
I know it might resurface again, those traits,
I don’t know how much he told you about his past when you guys decided to spend your life’s together
I was thankful he found someone who could love him despite his past, I know I defend my son too much sometimes
But yesterday, I looked into his eyes when he was talking about you, I know my son too well and when he is lieing,
I know my son too well, when he starts his things, I can tell if he is lieing or not so don’t worry, I believe you cannot hurt a fly
She called several times before I came out of my reverie, simply because I was dumbfounded
To be continued
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Once a Casanova, always a Casanova, you only believe you are that bad if you lack the overcoming spirit”
Yes I know about my husband’s past, he told me he was a “Casanova”, but then I trust him after we realized we are so much in love with each other and can’t go a day without feeling what I know is love but now hatred.
I loved him despite his numerous ladies he slept with in the past, I understood, his looks got him that far.
Was I selfish to want to keep him all to myself, or I was stupid to marry a fine Casanova.
Just when I was busy thinking about his past, my mother in law spoke up
Maa: My daughter, how can I change this great damage that has been done?
Am sure you have already taken in enough of his lies, And how he would defend himself when he is caught cheating.
I know he cheated, the same thing he did to the many ladies we wanted him to marry, They all left, but you stayed.
He told us, he got his act together, and I can clearly see that’s not true
Me: Maa, this is beyond repairs, I then showed her the divorce papers.
Maa: What? How? When? Then how are you still here.
I narrated to her my proposal to stay for at least two months.
Me: Look I love your son, but if he doesn’t want me anymore, I have to leave that wasn’t my decision, it was his and I accepted my fate the moment I signed those papers
My intention was to stay for this two months and check if there are any regrets from his end but he is not going to change now, I have to get going too, my tickets and visa would be ready very soon
Maa: You sure you don’t want to give it another try?
Me: Yes Maa, I want to get back home to the family I have left behind for this one which only ripped my heart out.
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“The pains we feel makes us stronger, though we may cry along the line”
I seemed strong but I can break down anytime soon. I just pray for strength, though I had no idea what going on my knees to pray will do for me.
After a week, I got so much worried he hasn’t shown up yet, I called her mum and she told me she hasn’t heard from him I asked myself why I was worried,
I was in my room, after a week and 2days since he left home and I heard his car moving in I peeped through the window to check if he was the one, after confirming I laid on my bed, while informing the mum he was back. She muttered thank you and we hanged up Since then, it was I dodging him or he does I finally told my parents I was returning home They were so happy so didn’t ask too much questions
Am sure they will when they realize I had no plans of leaving
However, no day passes without lots of regrets clouding my judgments I wished things were different, but they are not, and I have to start leaving soon
My plans are almost ready, telling my parents speed up the process with their numerous links
Bebe never stopped calling, neither did the Oke’s
Livie and Malia called later on to apologize after the last fight
I admire what they have, no matter how much Clyde painted the story in front of Malia,
She said she knows what her man can do, he is a lot of things but not a cheat and if he ever cheats, he wouldn’t have the guts to introduce the woman he is cheating on her with
They are not perfect but this is what every couple should learn,
You trust your partner to the extent that when the truth hits you in the face, you can still stand up for them
I don’t know how I can get rid of this love, but I think with time, it will diminish I must admit I do love my husband despite the divorce and he ripping my heart apart,
But somehow I still feel he is there and never going anywhere I was coming back one afternoon after a visit to the embassy and I met Clyde and a lady coming out of the room Their appearance and demeanor shows what they are clearly as if I wasn’t bothered,
I just walked pass them to the room I quickly closed the door and started crying all over again
I am now accepting the fact that my marriage is finally over I started packing up my things, the one’s I came here with
I left behind the things I acquired with Clyde, I want nothing that will remind me of him Before he came back, I left to Bebe’s end
I called up my Dad, to help finalize the papers I can’t wait for another two weeks as the embassy stated
He tried putting words in my mouth, but I refuse to tell them anything even though I know at a point,
I have to after a week at Bebe’s,
Clyde never bothered to find out why I never came back home
It’s not like it bothers me that much, but at least I was hoping he did
To be continued
Love Me Again
By: Loudest thoughts
“Goodbyes are not forever”
The next week, I was on my way to the airport,
Bebe and Jake escorted me I saw myself at Heathrow airport the exact time I needed to be there in London
My parents picked me up, everyone was in tears, but I was crying for another reason I left London for close to 5years now, am back but with nothing Well, I still have a life to get back to, I assured myself
We finally arrived home, and nothing has changed My entire family, nuclear, extended and friends were waiting to welcome me home
I had to really dodge the whereabouts of your husband question, but I knew I may not avoid forever
Soon enough everyone left, and I was alone in my room when mummy came in
Mum:How was your journey?
Me:fine thank you, to be honest it was so hectic and am glad am finally home
Can’t wait to get back to my life
Mum:Oh really, How are you here alone, How is your husband, why didn’t he come with you
Me: mum am tired, and too many questions at a time won’t help
Mum: okay my daughter, we will talk later, welcome back once again
Weeks passed and I keep avoiding the topic anytime we are having a family time
As if I was hoping Clyde would come back for me soon and this nightmare of ever telling my parents they were right from the beginning would give me some relief
A month of my return, no day passed by without wishing Clyde was here with me
Bebe never stopped calling, the rest call once a while I was on phone with Livie and he was asking if I found someone else and I replied one heart break and a divorce is enough, I wasn’t ready to go through it again Just then my mum entered, Barbara,
What did that man do to you exactly I can see it in your eyes, I can feel you went through something terrible And I just heard you are divorced, OMG!
Your father will kill this man
Me:Mum, stop yelling, yes am divorced, that’s what you and Dad wanted all along
It’s over now, that’s all to it. You can leave now Suddenly tears engulfed me as if my tear duct just got opened. I cried uncontrollably until my mum wrapped her arms around me in a quick and calm hug.
We stayed that way for quiet some minutes, until mummy spoke up
Mum: am sorry you had to go through this,
I can’t imagine how difficult that was
But if you are not ready to talk about it, I will wait until you are. Now get some sleep
Me:Okay mum, thank you.
But I can’t talk to Dad, His anger I can face but the embarrassment and that I told you so, I can’t take it
Please talk to him for me
Mum:That’s not a problem, we are just glad you are back home in one piece
I quickly laid myself on the bed,
Which she covered me with a blanket like she always do when we were children I woke up somewhere late at night and saw my dad dozing off in the sofa beside my bed.
He might have pulled it from its initial state Obviously my mum didn’t waste time to tell him about the divorce
I quickly muttered Daddy and he woke up immediately asking if am okay
I told him I was fine, he shouted out for my mum who quickly rushed in with a serving tray, which I assumed is my dinner? I asked what was going on, and they were behaving so weird
Mum:You slept for close to 10hours, we were just so worried
Me: Mum, am fine, I was just so tired from the journey that’s all
Dad: Baby eat something please
Me: Okay, I will definitely eat but not in here, Besides you guys don’t have to treat me like I just buried someone close, common, it’s just a divorce
Am almost over it, you don’t have to pamper me
So I don’t feel embarrassed about my failed marriage, which I know you two are so overjoyed about
Dad:Barbara, stop it now, You think a parent will be happy to see the daughter go through this kind of thing
Yes we are glad you are back safely to your home,
And we were not in support of your marriage, but we never wished you harm
Can’t a father pamper his baby girl anymore? Or we should have thrown you out when you came rather than welcoming you with an open arms, Or you think we actually prayed for you to fail in your marriage Me: Dad am sorry, I guess this whole thing is yet to hit me so hard, And am just finding an easy way out trying to give the blame to you guys
He just stood up and left, mummy runned after him with the food tray
I think this is the reality, Clyde is gone, he is no more mine
Let me get out there, get some real work to occupy my time and mind
All my life I have never done anything for myself like a real job
I keep volunteering all over,
Daddy’s big idea of me becoming his successor of the company since my brothers are still young. I do go in to his work place sometimes to run things, I will wait for him to cool down so I ask for that opportunity to be given to me once more
I went downstairs and dad was not there, my brothers as usual were fighting over their video games then I went back to my dad’s door, I knocked severally before he asked to come in
Me:Daddy, I said am sorry now, with that weird Nigerian tone
I rushed to give him a tight hug, which he had no option to hug back
Dad:you get me worried when you rebel and talk to me that way I hope you are fine, I know your mum promised you she wouldn’t ask for details But I wish you could tell me, but then I won’t push you. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about it that’s fine
Me:Dad can you let this one pass please, I want to start afresh by going back to my duties at work
Dad:Really, thank you my dear.
Now I can rest for sometime We talked for a while until I decided I was going in for some coffee, since it’s late for heavy food.
The next day I was ready for work, my dad gave me a tour of the office, nothing has changed that much
My office space was still intact, I quickly got myself involved in work Day after day, I receive so much pampering from my parents, which is getting me worried
When they start like that, they have something up their sleeves
To be continued
Love Me Again
By:Loudest Thoughts
“Don’t wait until you regret a wrong deed before you say sorry, Say it once the deed is done”
Days and months passed by there is no show of Babs around the house, I asked the gate man and he has no idea where she went to
I wasn’t bothered,
I thought she was just avoiding me, since her wardrobe is still intact,
Little did I know she took only the things she brought with her
I went about my daily activities, from the clubs to restaurants I wasn’t ashamed of my life After work one day, I wanted to get something from Mr. Biggs for dinner since I can’t cook I was about leaving the place after getting my order, when my eyes caught up with Livie and Babs
I only saw Barbara’s side cheeks but I can see Livie clearly, I quickly told myself, today their cup is full I quickly walked towards their table where they were taking selfies,
And started shouting, Barbara today your cup is full
Then Livie saw me and instantly stood up, everyone is watching us now
I then shouted, Babs name and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned and I realized I was mistaken, this strange woman I always see Livie with isn’t my Barbara, it’s a look alike, but how?
They look so much alike, the walk and especially her cheeks.
The last thing I heard was, Clyde is that you?
Are you okay, the way you are referring to my sister as Barbara I hope you aren’t hallucinating.
By the time I realized where I was after that incident was on my steering wheel, driving to no particular place in mind. I may never be able to tell how I managed to leave the scene I created earlier
I finally stopped at the thought of what if I was wrong all along,
I quickly changed my thoughts to; remember she cheated that’s why she left I cleared my mind after some hours sitting alone and realizing I may never find answers to what am looking for sitting down in my car.
I quickly drove home, and questioned my gateman
Me: Do you remember your madam’s friend, the doctor I was exchanging words with the last time.
He said he was here two times before he visited again the last time.
Do you know when he came and what he did when he came around
Gate man: Oh, the doctor Oga, he came first time with some two women to see Madam, and second time he came with the other woman. Some fine woman.
They were very happy due to the laughs coming out from the veranda, I can’t tell what they were doing inside, but they sure look so happy and having fun
Me: Thank you, I managed to mutter, I was confused and disappointed I didn’t find anything incriminating enough to confirm what I have been blubbing about along. Could this just be a mistake?
Did I blame my wife for something she didn’t do? I went inside my room, sat for a long time, tried several times to keep the new drama out of my mind but I couldn’t. What about the text messages on her other line.
Of course she hasn’t read most of them so she can’t confirm
I need to get to the bottom of this.
I went ahead to Bab’s room, which am fully aware she hasn’t been to the house in a long time.
I looked around, there and then I realized most of her things are not in place.
To be continued

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