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11 Photos Of Banky W That Show He Has A Perfect Gentleman Style (PHOTOS)

Banky W is also able to ooze class even when it is casual or traditional, he always seems to get it right. Even though his dressing might not be what the average Nigerian will wear, Banky W has made his style desirable, especially with the females.
His confidence in what he is wearing is what makes him stand out among other celebrities. He just has the look of a perfect gentleman.
These are 11 photos that show his gentleman style.

1. Banky is ever ready in a blazer.

2. His style always stands out anywhere.

3. Even dressing simple with a confident air.

4. He could be your Arabian Knight.

5. He has a boyish charm.

6. Banky is always with his trademark cap.

7. His style adds to his swag.

8. Who wouldn’t love a man wearing Agbada with confidence?

9. Nothing like  holding a foreign dog to look posh

10. Banky W is handsome in this tuxedo.

11. Even his own definition of casual is different


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