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9jaflaver music of the week

STORY TIME: A Mother's sacrifice(Episode 8 &9)

Episode eight (8)
When savitri got there she was not allowed to see him by the security man, it was through the intervention of the doctor she was allowed. Although she was accompanied they by the doctor and the security man because the man was very violent. When she got to the ward at wich he was in, she tried to convice him to tell her how to stop them but the man would no help her.
Ghost father: why should i tell you that, i can’t because they are doing wat i will also do. As the population of the pple increase so does the sin of the pple my kids are only fighting for justice. When they were young Der mother won’t allow them to come and see me. She was very wicked to me, making my children hate me. So one day i pour fuel on her and light her ablaze. My children wer Der so they saw everything after that they did the same to Der self and continue with wat i started. That why am so proud of dem proud of dem hahaha.
Savitri: you are such a wicked and selfish man killing ur own wife.
Ghost father: madam pls go home and face your own problem my daughters are with me, one of your daughter is dead very soon it will be the second one hahaha.
Savitri: you are so wicked *crying*
doctor: madam we need to go now.
Savitri immediately went out of the place and called her husband telling him to look after janvi, to make sure she was home, but he couldn’t find her in her bedroom not even around the house.
Janvi was no wer to be found.
Episode (9)
janvi was inside the house when she saw her sister, she followed her till she got to the road Syd we’re dey sell petrol, went inside put the petrol around her. savitri was already on her way home, she could not find a cab, she decided to be walking home till she found a cab who agreed to carry her, dis angered the two girl nd dey decided to cause an accident to delay her do they showed deir self to the driver den got to the center of the road BT the driver narrowly escape it. they decided to put fire on the cab BT by then they we’re already closer to her ause, so she jumped from the cab before they got burn. when on the other hand janvi father was look for her born her finally found her she av lit the fire nd she was at the middle of it, other pole av gathered trying to stop the fire BT they could no, her was begging her to come out BT she was just laughing. that was wen savitri came she could not stand by nd see her daughter getting burn nd d gals we’re dey too laughing. there nd then she decided to sacrifice her self for her daughter so she got closer to the fire pull her daughter out nd stayed behind to get burn. and just DAT single act of hers melten the gals heart nd they started crying then savitri smiled. All this while wat the gals lack was motherly love and they got that through savitri, nd they nevered killed again. THE END…………

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